Fake f/or real

Who speaks louder ― fake or real?
Тo raise awareness about the recent fake news and propaganda epidemic we created the Bulgarian extension of the temporary exhibition Fake (f)or Real: The History of Forgeries and Fakes at the National Ethnographic Museum–BAS, Sofia.
The exhibition presents falsificantions throughout history, describing the specific historical circumstances that explain how they were created, the interests and motivations behind them, their impact and how they were ultimately exposed. The Bulgarian extension revealed two sides of the propaganda in Bulgaria past and present. An example of today’s propaganda machine is the rise of fake news generated by ‘mushroom sites,’ which aim to spread fear, uncertainty and to erode trust in democracy.
The source materials were collected and provided by The Humanitarian and Social Studies Foundation (HSSF) and the Sofia Platform Foundation.
We opposed the real stories of Belene Camp survivors to the fake news with a simple message - how to build up resilience against the attempts to deceive and mislead us.

The installation conveyed our message to thousands of Bulgarian and foreign visitors.