Democracy daily

Democracy daily

How do you explain a system?

To celebrate 35 years of Democracy we launched a campaign in partnership with the America for Bulgaria Foundation. We created an online network of platforms (webpage, Facebook page and instagram account) where in the course of 186 consecutive days we shared one piece of inspiring content each day. Yes. Every day for 6 months.

From events and videos, to interviews and film challenges, Democracy Daily was something like an advent calendar. A daily reminder of the good things that came with democracy after the fall of The Berlin Wall.

Each post has a short benefit linking to a piece of content.

Interviews, articles, video reports from events we organised.

Politicians, influencers, artists took part in the project sharing their view on democracy.

Daily social media content featuring artefacts inspired by the stories of victims or the communist regime.

People were able to win some “democratic merch” by sending us a short video, a photo or simply a comment on what Democracy meant to them.


In 6 months we’ve reached more than one million people with our positive messages.