If we judge the book by its cover

Can we spark a conversation about a topic no one seems to care about?
In 2021 The Parliament publicly declared their intention to change the Bulgarian Constitution. According to a national representative survey on attitudes towards the changes, over 50% of Bulgarians stated they are not interested in the changes, and over 90% had no idea what those changes entail.
Together with the Bulgarian Institute for Legal Initiatives we attempted to increase public interest in the topic by inviting contemporary visual artists to interpret its significance by creating their own version of book covers.

The project attracted the attention of all major media outlets.
The artists shared their vision in a series of videos and posts.
We recorded an audio version of the Constitution so that people could easily access the most important book in Bulgaria.

Months after the campaign launch, new amendments to the Constitution were adopted. The closing event was an exhibition, part of the visual program of the hottest festival in Veliko Tarnovo: 48 Hours Varusha South.